Investment Philosophy
Kathleen created MKN Wealth Management, LLC as a boutique investment firm focusing on personal attention and customizing portfolios for each individual client. Her strong philosophy of investing according to client objectives and risk tolerance is the foundation of her investors' portfolios.
Meet with prospective clients in person---to get to know them and assess if we can work together
Conduct a thorough interview of each client to learn their financial objectives, i.e. long and short term goals, time frame, risk tolerance and their specific needs
Customize portfolio to meet specific goals of each client
Continually monitor portfolios for performance and meeting client objectives
MKN provides a detailed quarterly report from Schwab on each portfolio. This is an in depth look at the portfolio: performance vs. the markets, asset allocation, yield, income and current holdings
I discuss the quarterly reports with each client
Clients receive a monthly Schwab statement detailing current holdings, cost basis, income and activity
Meet with clients in person twice a year(more if necessary ) for portfolio reviews
Always available by telephone 202-669-1960
Clients have access to their accounts by logging onto Schwab once account is established 24/7
MKN provides extra cyber security and encrypts all emails to clients that contain personal and/or financial information